08 July 2013

This is Water by David Foster Wallace

Hey everyone,

I found this very inspirational video and wanted to share it, hope you enjoy it!

Have a great day! Raffa


  1. Nice video, unfortunately it's all true, today we live only for themselves, selfishly, thinking that only we have problems to solve. We are losing the value of the simplest things and respect for all people living on this planet.
    Unfortunately, the media teach us that money is power, with money you can have everything, when in reality it takes very little to live happy and at peace with ourselves and with others.


  2. Yeah, saw your Video a couple of Weeks ago and really loved the way it was done... Subtle, yet technically challenging! :)... Very cool!

    Also the main Idea about this makes you think quite a lot...


  3. Upps, ment to post this, but all of then are pretty good... http://www.insurancequotes.org/hidden-cost-light-pollution

  4. This is very inspirational and very true. Thank you for sharing

  5. Peter aka BaphometJuly 10, 2013 at 12:03 PM

    Can use it a lot at the moment... thx Raffa :)

  6. Great Video and so true...
    Yesterday i had an experience like that for my own. I was at the super market after a long day of work and after that i went to my car. There was a car parking right next to mine and the guy whose car it was blocked my door so i can't enter. So i waited... i said nothing and he keept searching something in a bag in his car... it tooks longer and longer and i got frustrated inside, got a bit angry... how can he be so rude ignoring me? Then he came up saw me and said "Oh i'm Sorry, i didn't recognized you" and smiled. Then i saw his disability... he had very short arms with one hand missing... then i thought "how could I be so rude not to recognize HIM"...

    Live is a everyday challenge if your trying to be a good person!
