01 July 2013

Old School Barbarian Dude :)

Sure everybody knows the magnificant sculpt of the Barbarian Dude, which pops up everywhere lately. It is indeed a great figure and I got myself two of them to paint them in the future. Right now I am too busy with other stuff, but something funny happened on the last painting class in Erlangen, Germany (I still got to write that review!).

One of the students, Sebastian, who did the class his second time brought the evil mage of the old game "Hero Quest". I was kidding him when I said that he could paint him as Skeletor from He-Man. I was joking, but on the next day he brought some colour printed pictures of Mr. Skeletor to really do it. Cool! And man, Sebastian improved a lot since his first class in Augsburg, Germany earlier this year. During the class I asked him if he would do a exchange figure with me. If I get his Skeletor when he is done, I would paint the HeroQuest Barbarian for him. So we did. Mine is now finished - I will for sure show you a photo of the Skeletor as soon as it arrives in my cabinet :)

Before I show you the final photos of this figure I have to get nostalgic.
In fact this game, Hero Quest was my early entry into the hobby a long time ago. I loved the figures and the dungeons, this game made me a full nerd with twelve years or something :D

I used the HQ Barbarian for my first tutorial ever, back when I started painting, mainly basic gaming techniques used. It was written in 2006, topic was human skin and the result looked like this:

Well time went by and I was painting a lot, so the next version looks a little better :D
It was a lot of fun painting this figure again - for me this is the true and real Barbarian Dude - as there are a lot of memories in it, just look at his grim face and strength.

As I did not have a lot of time these days I used a  Resin Showbase from PK-Pro as a quick base, added some clay pots from Pardulon Models and some soil.

This was the first photo I did from the new version,
the one that will be given to Sebastian:

But, I still have to tell more - while I was making the photos, my camera had a green lamp hitting the project and I thought, c'mon more green in there. Thanks to the random inspiration:

So I did, added more green and intensifyed the effect.
It was worth the one minute. In fact all in all I have painted 2,5 hours without basing on this figure.
Compared to my first version of this guy I am really happy how he turned out, even I could have done something better here and there. I hope Sebastian will still like it ...

Real Barbarian Dude
Hero Quest, Games Workshop, 1989, 28 mm


Very, very old school, I know, but a true joy to work on it, between bigger projects.
Hope you like him too? Let me know what you think via comments ...
And I hope Sebastian will like it?

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Impressive, what you have done with that average cast modell.
    A viewer really can see your fun going "back in time"

  2. Peter aka BaphometJuly 1, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    This is real old-school-stuff ;) like it a lot!

  3. Very cool, and great that it was done in such a small amount of time as well! Congrats!

  4. This fella was my hook to miniatures. I followed him through countless dungeons and slayed him the same amount of times as the ruler of those dungeons ^^

    Thank you for the flashbacks.


  5. Hah! That one is really, really old school, played with him, when I was in Highschool!

  6. Uh, how I liked this game, unbelievable that was more than twenty years ago. This game brought me to painting fantasy-miniatures.
    Your paint job gave this mini it's well deserved honor.

  7. now i know older is not better and what happen to the orcs that look like fishing weights .

  8. 2,5 hours?? I really need to take one of your classes to learn the secret. I think I'm using a too complicated technique, somehow I should be able to cut massive corners and still receive better results...

  9. I'm missing the bleached blond hair ... anyway really cool

    HE - MAN ... Dadadada dada dadada ... ; )

  10. That's so wierd, I was only looking at this fig yesterday.. Thinking about making a HQ dungeon with figs.. Great looking mini.
    It's so odd the way things happen like that.

  11. cool how you can create something special from something let's say...non-special

  12. Haha, i really thought you would paint a HE-Man.

    But he looks cool anyway.

    I hope you post a picture of Skeletor, that dude looked so cool during the workshop :) I want to see him finished.
