20 June 2013

Raffa's Work in Progress - June #2

posted by Raffaele "Picster" Picca

Hey everyone,

another small work in progress post of this month...

I did some sculpting the last days, but did forget to take a photo of it ... so there is only one photo of a figure that I started yesterday. I wanted to try out some NMM in a different way that I usually paint it (if you can call this sporadic use of NMM "usually").

Without much words... let's get to the point ;)

I'm quite happy with the result so far. It's not very clean, but the metallic effect starts to work :)

Have a nice evening!


  1. I agree to you. The effect works and it looks nice already now.

  2. Great work. Like how you made it a bit beat up looking. Like it has been actually used in a fight before.

  3. It works really good and does show a hand-forged, knippled, used kind of armor. I like it!

  4. this piece is beautiful you paint is very good, who made the piece?
