31 May 2013

Private Practive - Austrian Pumpkin Triple Feature!

Posted by Raffaele "Picster" Picca

Hey everyone,

recently we had another private practive session. This time with three friends from Austria: Lisa, Andi and Oli. They are part of a blogging crew called "Pumpkin Painter". After the Duke of Bavaria they stayed with us in our studio for two days to push their painting skills further.

In the beginning we discussed their ideas, what they want to learn, where they notice problem while painting in the past and what figures they want to paint. After everyone prepared and basecoated the figure, we started with interesting part.

These were the figures Oli (left), Lisa (middle) and Andi (right) decided to paint on those two days.

Light and Shadow... again and again and again...

After some theoretical advises and tips, we started painting right away. First, we did some brushwork to put on some basic colors.

All the figures got some basic colors.

Everyone was adviced to think about a working color scheme for their figures before dipping the brush into any color :)

Oli's color plan, very cool!

At this point, no one was too motivated, putting on basic colors can be pretty boring, but anyway I was happy to still see happy faces!

Airbrushing is another tool we used in this private practice.

Continuing with the use of the airbrush, We applied some shadow and light to the figure, working out details with the brush, we had a great time and a lot of fun with this great group of people!

Most of the steps were shown in small demostrations, so everything was clear all the time.

Slowly, the three projects were getting better and better. I was amazed to see how much everyone improved during those two days.

Wow, impressive!

The two days were over much too fast as time just slipped from our hands, but anyway, we had such a great time with friends and the improvements were very obvious.

We really hope to see you again soon and to see more of your projects on Pumpkin Painter!
You can also read Oli's review and Lisa's review to get a better impression of the other side of the private practice :)

Maybe you are interested to get your very own private practice? Contact us for details!

have a nice time!


  1. Very inspirational as always mate! Great work by all parties as well, especially considering that it was all done in 2 days?!?!? Amazing!

  2. Thanks for the nice review! That where 2 days of pure inspiration and improvement! :)

  3. It was a great time! Thanks!
    Oliver aka Colouristo
