16 May 2013

PC Reminder - Schöppenstett, Germany

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Hello painting people,

we have one painting class for this July in Schöppenstett, Germany.
It is close to Braunschweig in a very cool location, thanks to Mike. You can sleep there for free, there is a kitchen and we also might have David catering food for all of us ... IF:

If the class takes place. 
At the moment we have 12~14 applications. Not sure yet on how many will really take part in the end. I would love to say this class happens, but it is still unsure because of the travel costs and low number of students. If you are interested in taking part in this class, fill up our ranks and head over to the registration and further news: here!

For registration you can also write an email to: 

Looking forward to see you there!
Best Wishes

Check the MV Painting Class Roadmap for more news around classes!
Schöppenstett? We have been there before, check the review for the location!

1 comment:

  1. Also los, der Norden hat doch immer gejault das hier so wenig Workshops sind und Hamburg is doch auch immer schnell überlaufen. Irgendwo mitfahren geht sicher auch in vielen Faellen und die Location is wirklich Top!......und wer will, wird noch von mir bekocht ;)
    Ins Englische muß das jemand Anders übersetzen, bei mir wird da nix draus ^^
