11 March 2013

Zombies again ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa jungle voyager,

again I did paint some figures from Zombicide.
One is a regular Zombie, the other one is a cop that fights for survival ... how much ammunition he might has left nobody knows. Both are painted for quick fun in my decent gaming quality. I hope you like them ...

Zombicide - Survivor Cop
CoolMiniorNot, 28 mm

Zombicide - Zombie
CoolMiniorNot, 28 mm

I made a photo of both figures in my cabinet with camera lightning, just for another impression of the figures. Don't be confused about the photo there is one figure I am not allowed to show yet, click to enlarge:

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. They are looking very good - nice Zombie atmosphere.

    Be careful...in your cabinet opens a warp gate from hell. Some creatures from far beyond try to steal your figures :-)

  2. I love your zombie miniatures. They have inspired me to order some of my own from hasselfree. You do such fantastic work with the flesh - so gross! Perfect!

  3. Great job as always, and a nice shot of the cabinet indeed! Curious now what that mysterious miniature is...
