29 January 2013

Kazan - Eye of the Tiger and Stickers!

Posted by Raffaele "Picster" Picca

Hey everyone,

finally I managed to finished another bust. The sculpt was finished quite some time ago, but somehow I couldn't manage to finish the promotional paintjob.

Kazan - Eye of the Tiger

A resin copy of this bust can now be purchased at Forged Monkey.

Now to the announcement of the winner of the Sticker Set!
Some days ago I asked for a name for my next bust. Thanks for the massive feedback! I read through all of them and I liked "Knucklehead" most. "FlavianFlint", please write your postal adress to "PICSTER (AT) MASSIVEVOODOO (DOT) COM" to receive the stickers! And here's the baked version of this bust:


He will be released soon at Forged Monkey! Stay tuned for more sculpt coming soon!



  1. The ears on the tiger are backwards!

  2. Great busts, but I don't know if I'll be getting them or not. The Tribe chief is a MUST BUY for me, so that one is sure, Kazan/Knucklehead I'm still unsure about.

  3. I think tigers can point their ears behind them if they hear something in that direction

  4. Yes, of course. They can turn their ears around, but the base where the ears joins the head looks wrong for that effect.
