02 November 2012

Jungle Warfare III

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa Brushfolks,

this time I want to show another project finsihed.
It is about 2 Infinity Soldiers holding out their last stance somewhere deep in destroyed jungle village.
It was a lot of fun finishing these both up. In fact I am truely happy to finish some stuff these days, as I started so many projects due painting classes. So it is truely a feeling of freedom getting something done finally.

Jungle Warfare III
Corvus Belli, Infinity, 28 mm

I hope you like them!
I used a very special NEW product by Juweela - true small scale sandbags, which will be available soon at
Secret Weapons and PK-Pro.

If you are interested in Jungle Warfare I or Jungle Warfare II - check those links!
If you are interested in how to achieve a jungle athomsphere on your project check the following article:

Using different materials to create a jungle on a small base.
So far, happy painting to you!
Best Wishes


  1. This really is one of my favourites. After seeing it for the first time, during the painting class in Hamburg, I was in love with that scene. It tells so much without the need to show it all. Brilliant piece that really sets my mind to day dreaming and imagining how they got there, what will happen and what is approaching. I'm loving every part of it and if you ever feel like selling it (and if my acount allows) I'd definately be in for it ;)

  2. @Rusty
    Thank you for the nice impressions of this piece. I am happy you like it! Actually I am planning to sell it - if you are interested I would ask for an email to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com and I can give you a quote :)

  3. Wow I love the jungle atmosphere that you have created in the Jungle Warfare pieces! I would like to know how you made the vines that are climbing the ruins, as I've only ever seen sponge-like material before, and nothing with that amount of detail in it (as it looks like vines with leaves growing on it)
