25 September 2012

Norman Knight Finals and WiPs

posted by Peter aka Baphomet

Hey guys,

a long time has past since my last posting... well there is much to do at work and painting gets more and more some kind of social event for me. Painting alone is no big fun anymore and when I enjoy someone´s company I´m quite more productive... well this may be a phase but I din´t think about it often at the moment... I accept the fact :)

But I was finally able to finish the Norman Knight bust. Well, the pics are not the best but there will be better soon. Just wanted to give you some idea about the final version. I´m quite satisfied with the (reallife) result :) What do you think?


And two shots of my actual wips... hope I will be able to finish them for Monte... probably I will take some free days and visit someone in Germany (or somewhere else) to have a week full of painting :-D

Some MUSICA!!!

And a interesting picture which makes me think really a lot about it in the last days... it get´s even more interesting the more I think about it...

Translation for the international readers: "what if it won´t turn green today?"

Click MEEEEEE!!!!

Best Wishes,


  1. The metallics at this bust are great. You getting better an better :)

    BTW: great Music :)


  2. Nice Ronin!
    @Raffa: when con we buy him? I'm waiting for so long now. . .
