07 September 2012

Back in the studio ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

I am still working on the review and preparing photo after photo ... I know you are still waiting but I ask for a little more patience.

Meanwhile ... yesterday we arrived in the Studio for a little while, unpacking Painting class stuff. We did start to prepare a little sign which will be outside on the main entrance to show the people visiting and the postman where we are at. It is still early work in progress.

I wasn't able to start straight away with figures yesterday so I choose to train my sketching a little bit as I am really not trained anymore. So I took some Ikea papers and just started. I will put them at the refrigerator and call it the wall of improvement. Started on the upper left ...

So far ... next time I hope I will be back with the review ...
Time seems to run much faster here at home than on vacation :D

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Love the sketches especially the one in the birch wood!

  2. Uh! I gotta know how you made that rusteffect on that sign! That is exactly what I want my wardrobe to look like! Please try to remember as many steps as possible because I sure will interrogate you on the workshop in Hamburg!
