22 August 2012

Review: Miniature Mentor - Complete Guide to Photographing Miniatures

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,...

Hey everyone!

In this review I'll be watching the Complete Guide to Photographing Miniatures by Miniature Mentor. You can get this DVD from Miniature Mentor, at the moment there is only a download aviable.

Weighing a hefty 9.5 GB download, this 7+ hours of HD material is a pretty big boy to download, so check your internet connection if you plan on getting this, otherwise you have to wait for the DVD version.

Normally Roman writes most of the reviews, but as I make all the miniature photos for him and myself, I think this falls in my field of work ;)

So, the person that will be your teacher on this DVD is Felix Wedgwood, a very experienced product photographer.

After watching the DVD I can honestly say I've still learned a thing or two.
This DVD is in my opinion aimed on the more experienced photographer. To get the most out of the DVD you should maybe be willing to spend some dollars on new lamps (the lamps introduced on the DVD are now in our studio and they are just AWESOME!) or a new camera if you don't already own a DSLR or good lamps.

But even withouth spending more money for new equipment you will get a lot out of the DVD, the knowledge shared is very good and also coveres the basics of taking miniature photos including a good light setup (without a photo box) etc.

The knowledge on the DVD is very in depth, Felix is a professional and he really shares his knowledge and experience for this topic. At very few points the DVD was boring to me, and I have to say I'm really not an unexperienced photographer.

My conclusion for this review:
If you are interested in improving your miniature photos, this DVD will pretty sure pay out.

Best wishes,


  1. I would consider myself well versed in the field of photography. And what the Guide shows is all good. BUT - 7,5 hours? Seriously? An hour, maybe an hour and a half would have been enough.

    This is what I currently don't like about most of the MM products. It is mass instead of class - hours and hours of footage for stuff you could learn in minutes. I say that as one of the first subscribers to the whole MM stuff. Sometimes I ask myself if there is no better use for my money, but then I go "naaaah, whatever..." :D

  2. I watched the tutorial. too. I think it's one of the best of MM. I really enjoyed it. It has a lot of neat tricks and pro knowledge.

    But I have to second Zaphods opion. Way too long and too much blah blah repetitions.

  3. Hi guys! Thanks for the interview

    Where did you order those Solux? lamps? Are they available only in US?

  4. I mean review.. sorry :D

  5. They are available in Europe, too. Distributed by eiko.com and sometimes labled in shops with eiko.com.

    Raffa recommended me this shop - http://www.spezilamp.de - I ordered my lamps there, too. Looks like they are shipping internationally.

  6. Thanks Phil!

    Only problem is that they only sell those with the GU5.3 base :( So I would need new lamps too, because my current lamps supports only E27 base.

    What lamps would you recommend?

  7. As a another MM subscriber I must say I love the tutorials, even if they are bit longer. I know, that many topics can't (no, simply CAN'T) be learn in minutes, you need to watch minutes and hours to get the idea and learn technique. So I appreciate step-by-step tuts, with lots of notes, reccomendations and examples. I also love to watch someone painting, can sit and watch whole days. But there are always topics, which don't interest me so much (for example sculpting, or airbrushing), but it's fine to learn new things.
