12 July 2012

Painting Class in Paris, Versaille - Reminder

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


We have some final seats to give away.

A few people jumped the plank like always when it comes close to the class due some misplanning or private matters and we now have some - as said - few places left to give away ... make a seat yours and be with us at the first MV english spoken class, maybe you find some time to enjoy Paris too, but for sure not during the weekend's class :D

Here you find all information you need to participate.

See you there in full colour force!


  1. Do the once who didn´t got a spot when this first got announced get an offer before others or is it first to yell?

  2. Hi Denniz,

    could you send me your full name to check, I think I have sent to you an email recently to ask for confirmation, but I would need to check with your full name and email adress.
    Thanks : please email to fig78team@googlemail.com
