31 July 2012

Games Day Germany ahead ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Soon it is Games Day time in Germany again ... to get into the right mood let's have a look on last years jungle report ...

Like last year Massive Voodoo and Team Germany will have some tables where small Workshops and demonstrations will be held. This year it is not only me at the MV table - make ready for some more Monkey Action ... :)


  1. please give me the music name.......

  2. Thanks for the great report... Looks like a lot of fun :-)

  3. My first gamesday :-) I´m glad to meet you there.
    I have learnd so much by Massivvoodoo, now im so excited to see the miniatures and their creator in reality.


  4. First I have to say Happy Birthday Kong!! I'm happy to meet the monkey gang again in Cologne!!!

  5. @K.Sahin
    Artist: Kargo, "Song for Lilly"

    Happy to meet you there! :)
