11 June 2012

We finished our first ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... and made it home safe due stormy weather after a great weekend!
Many thanks to everyone who took part, to the organisators, to those who gave us shelter and to everyone who made this weekend what it was - it was so amazing to see you all learn so much and use your skills so wisely! A longer report is dropping in soon but already you can find first impressions here thanks to Captain Philadelphia!


  1. It looks like you all had lots of fun. Roman with glasses finally looks like a serious and distinguished teacher now :)
    At least now I know why there are no Brekks available in Raffas shop for quite a while now!

  2. Looks very nice! I think the pic with all the Brekks in a row is very impressive... *G*

  3. It was a perfect weekend with lots of fun, painting, camoshade and Bäm² :) thank you guys!! and now back to diablo :D

  4. I soooo want to attend one of these events.. i damn myself becouse of my unemployment and being stuck here in Sweden... Yarrr...
