28 May 2012

Getting back to blogging ... Unfinished article sum up warning!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa Jungle Visitors,

somehow many things kept me from regular blogging lately. Less motivation in painting, preparing projects and there was also a little bit of Diablo III. Whatever, it is time again to keep the jungle bouncing on a regular daily basis again and I will do that with some unperfect articles I got ready or unready since months.

The following articles are not completly finished due several reasons. On some I was waiting for other monkeys to bring something in to it and it never happened, on some I just wasn't sure to keep the photo series alive on some I just forget to do photos and in some I just lost faith. In the end I decided to just summ them up now for you, maybe there is something interesting for you to find ...

So keep an eye out for that unfinished business :D
Starting today.

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Less Diablo, more painting!

    Diablo III makes you blind! Say no to Diablo III!
    And stop touching that keyboard!


  2. I think Diablo3 has some nice inspirations for settinmgs and colours. But it is a hell of drug...

  3. Dont worry, i guess losing the muse happens to all of us from time to time :)

    The good thing is, the muse always comes back.
