05 April 2012

Workshop Review - Blumberg-Achdorf II

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

 Aloa to another review of my beginners class.

Beginners Class?
I explained it before but will do it again. The class brings an introduction of my Happy Painting Way of Life to the participants no matter their own level and experience. It shows my techniques of painting, explains the basic fundament of my way of thinking while painting in some hours of theory and sums up all together in the end by the particpants results they prepared from Friday on. The Painting itself starts on Saturday after lunch. So not much time at all to paint up a figure. As I explain to the participants everytime I do a class that they can trust me - it comes together, links up with your own knowledge and experience so far and brings you tons of motivation on your way of Happy Painting. Enough said about it - you can read much more about the classes of the past in the Workshop Reviews.

Let's get it on with the important things first and a lot of Photos. 
I want to say big time gratitude to everyone who did sent pictures as I did not took many myself. You make this review possible. Thank you. 

We have been to Blumberg-Achdorf again, everytime I read the name of this little village I have to think of a mountain of flowers, think of blue sky and mountains. This visit was the same and made as us all feel fine due a lot of time with sunshine, even we were locked behind the walls to paint, paint and paint ...

At this spot mucha gracias to Big Panda Vlado for organising a perfect DELUXE weekend in every detail. Thanks to Peter also for helping the organisation work earlier. Thanks to the DieVincis - where Vlado is part of the team - for their help. The participants were all able to sleep at the place and had food cooked by an awesome cook for a small extra-fee and believe me only the food and the organisation gave had so much luxury to offer that the painting class seemed just like a little extra. Thanks to Vlado and Harris again for their splendid work. Thanks to everyone who took part in the class, to those who did not have to travel far and to those who made big journeys to enjoy some Happy Painting with me as a teacher and Raffa as the ultimate Co-teacher. We even had one english speaking guest and again I want to say thanks to Martin that he came over to take part even with the language problems that might occour, but they not really did. You can read a review from Martin on his blog about the class in english. Thanks to Raffa again for his a-w-e-s-o-m-e driving skills that took us that far safely. You can check out a german review of the class over at DieVincis.

We did all meet up on Friday and I want to say thank you again to all those helping hands who have been there before Raffa and I did hit the spot. It all felt like a great family alreay on Friday when a lot of theory was hammered in the participants brains and eyes and the base build up started around the prepared demonettes. This time there have been many repeaters who already did the class one year before and not all had to paint the demonette. Single different projects might occour on the upcoming photos - don't you wonder dear reader :) - Here are some impressions of the first day of the Painting Class Weekend ...

Friday Night was pretty long and we sat down for a little after work drink together - it was pretty late for some of us but Saturday arrived with cold brutality!!

Saturdays task was to do more theory, prime the projects, have lunch and start to paint ... ok, sketch first before we paint, but doesn't sketching already belong to the process of painting? Long day full with a lot of work and it again took very long into the darkness of the night ...

It was really a though day after the night before but I was very proud of all of us to get it done. Thanks to Manu aka CrazyWenky to come over at night time for a visit and some painting hours. The upcoming photos are in random order of Saturday - just to explain as it might look weird ...

Sunday Morning arrived with no mercy and after a night we found a little more sleep it was time stop sketching and paint a little more in the details. Sadly we did not find the time to get lost in them but everyone and I mean it, everyone of the participants made me proud with her/his result at the end of the day.

I want to say thanks again to everyone of you who walked the path with me during the weekend, thanks to all the helping hands all the time and the delicious food. I was happy to see a lot of helping hands in the end of the class to tidy up the place as Raffa and I were busy with final conferences about the class results with each participant.  Somehow time went by so fast ... but for sure there is an overview over all the results from this weekend:

Ooopsss ... wrong results ... here you go with the right ones - if you click the photo it appears very big:

Thanks to those who already gave persmission to show their personal photos of the models. I would say for Saturday's noon until Sunday late afternoon the results you all created are impressive. Sure there is always something to improve but you now got the tools to keep your painting process at sight and improve due happy painting in the future.

If you want to add yours to this collections just sent me a photo via mail contact and I'll add them up, in fact I would love to :)

It was my pleasure - and Raffa's too - to host this class with you ladies and gentleman and I am still very impressed by our only lady in the middle of this bunch of smelling men :)

So far ... I hope I did not forget anything as I am still a bit exhausted from the weekend and my brain won't work with maximum output. I hope you like these small impressions and tons of photos of a really beautiful weekend - thanks to everyone who made it what it was ...

Keep on happy painting and maybe see you again in the future!!
Best Wishes


  1. It was really great beeing a part of this class and this weekend. I had much fun and have learned few new things. Thanks all for this great weekend and for their help.

    Roman it was a pleasure to do the organization for this location.

  2. Nice review!

    I look totally scared on one of the pics while you are demonstrating something haha :)

    Thanks again for everything!

    Big hug


  3. As a participant of the course for the second time, I was not one single minute bored - that is really amazing! For me it proves the quality of Roman's Deluxe Workshop.

    Thanks for the massive impact and inspiration! Thanks to Vlado and Harris - even if a full belly sometimes dos'nt paint so good ;) The "Hackbraten" was far to good, to be from earth.

    Thanks to all of the participants, making new friends and meeting old ones, sharing our cool hobby is a pleasure.

    Massive HUG

  4. Ein Hammer Wochenende!!!!

    Ich war anfangs etwas skeptisch und hatte auch gewisse Erwartungen an den Workshop. Aber ich muß sagen, die Skepsis war für die Füße und meine Erwartungen wurden mehr als erfüllt. Das Erfolgsgefühl das man(n) "aber auch Frau" verspührt wenn man am ende eine fertige Miniatur auf einem super Base in der Hand hält ist echt großartig. Ich hab echt ne Menge gelernt. Ich möcht auf diesem weg nochmal allen Beteiligten danke sagen. Insbesondere Roman und Raffa, die ihr wissen mit uns gerne und mit viel Gedult teilten. Freu mich riesig auf den nächsten Workshop. Ich kann diesen Workshop für jeden der gerne Minis bemalt nur empfehlen.

    Danke an alle

    Pinsel hoch!!!

    Gruß Matthias

  5. Awesome update on the workshop. I cant wait to participate in one of your next ones.

    Back in Germany since yesterday and getting settled in. My parents build me a provisional painting area - so I can almost start immediately ;)
