11 April 2012

A look on the table - April #01

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


A little look on my actual workbench while April seems running through.

There is so much to do, so much to come, so much to organise and stuff ... but first I will be heading to Graz, Austria tomorrow by train do hold another painting class at this beautiful place. I got my usual workshop stuff packed wisely and a little smaller for taking the train without looking too dump because of way too heavy bags. It is ok as the class is pretty small by the number of students. Also I will enjoy some days at Roberts later on, kind of vacation from emails and the own workbench. Not really holiday in the end as there are projects with me I want to finish ... My workplace during my final packing, still painting :D

I will try to finish the soldier's bust to the Duke of Bavaria in the end of April.
Really looking forward to this event as it means to see a lot of nice people again.
The Medusa bust will be the explanation model of the upcoming class.

The Chimera - Bellerophon Project did get some details on the base lately. Nothing very special - the project slowly grows, by slow I really mean slow, thanks to the comissioner who gives me all the time that I will need ...

I got asked many times about the columns I used here. I bought them in a local hobby store and wasn't able to tell the brand because I threw away the package. Now I got some new ones and I made a photo for those of you still interested in taking them for their own projects. As told I did buy them in a local hobby store, maybe you are lucky and find a place to get them online ...

That's it so far - I'll be back soon next week, back on emails and internet madness :D
Sorry to those who are still waiting a reply from my side - it is just too busy these days and this fills my heart with sorrow. A little Kong Fu added: Sometimes when I find time I browse CMON and save things I like in a special folder to someday comment on them. This folder was so big lately that I never had the motivation to do it and so it grew and grew and grew ... yesterday, shortly before my trip and holiday I just realized I won't make it because there is so much other stuff I got to prepare, talk about, organise and write in the internet that I just deleted all links - and this made my heart heavy too but freed my mind ... All I can say is sorry :)

Not to forget - fine musica:

Ruste Juxx "Hardest From the Underground" from Anthony Sylvester on Vimeo.

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. skulls at the base * eyesroll * - just kidding my mate looks already great. the sculpt of that lionhead is awesome!

  2. The Medusa was this years special figure at the Lugdunum Show 2012. I was lucky to ask a friend to bring me one :) - Sculpt is by Allan Carrasco ...

    Skulls, yes :D

  3. Peter aka BaphometApril 11, 2012 at 5:10 PM

    you can buy the columns at:

    http://www.modellbau-strasse.de/ (German)


    http://www.scale-model-road.co.uk/ (English)

    look for the different columns at "Models by Material"

  4. The Chimera Project looks furthermore very awesome. I´m waiting to the day, where it get colors!

    I found a link to the colums:
    I think in the next days, they get a lot of orders :D But before you order something, search for the name of the company 'aedes' on google picture view ;)

  5. After the movie "Perci Jeckson" i´m searching for a sexy Medusa Bust, and dont find somethink, and now i see that.
    Damn buddy, i hate my live

  6. love your workstation, whats the paint shelve made out of ? I asume its custom made ?

  7. Hi

    I just got a quick question.
    Can you please tell me what colors do you use (mix, shadow, highlight) to get the coat and sweater of the soldier bust. I can't seem to get it right and end up with to much greys or to chocolate:(


  8. Here is the link for the column:

