20 March 2012

A Mondays Painting night

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Yesterday evening started pretty slow with painting.  

Raffa and Bene came over to my place to have a little painting and sculpting session together. I went to bed at half past 6 in the morning - that was not what I have expected after we were looking forward to a friend's visit at 10 o'clock :D - Some Impressions of a really nice painting night which was only shadowed by Peter's horrible cabinet news ...

Still in Waiting-mode, waiting to dry ... ai ai ai ...

Musica ...

Sculpting ...

Painting ...

Many thanks for this cool evening, gentlemen!
See you soon and happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Did you used Day-glow pigments for the Lich? They are amazing.

  2. I need better pictures of rose! I love that mini and the color scheme and base are great!!!! I guess I gotta order some more roses...

    the rest looks great too! Love your aragorn.

  3. Your work is amazing and tutorials are incredible. I would like to ask where I can find the way to prime models since on the pictures it looks like you use 3 different ones in a single miniature.

  4. Thanks for your kind feedback gentlemen -

    @Matschbirne: Better photos will be done soon :)

    @Flo: Yes, I used Forged Monkeys Lazer Red here - it is not finished yet. The plan is to make it glow more and more and more :D

    Uhm ... thanks for your kind words about the jungle. I am having troubles to get your question about priming right ... any chance you can precise it somehow?

    You can find an Article about Priming in the Tutorial section or directly linked up here:

    Hope this helps - and yes I got to do the video again, damn :/

  5. i like that you build up different levels into that dio. Thats gonna be very cool when its done - i feel it in my left knee when its starting to rain ^^.

    whats that gondor style mini on the 6 photo?

  6. What's the deal with the elaborate thing that holds the red female? Looks interesting.
