09 January 2012

Still ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... painting and already starting my first steps into the german Games Day preparations, big project ahead but it starts with so much small steps ... lalalalalaa, this is so much fun. If you are interested in Games Days I would suggest having a good read about over on Bestienmeister's blog ...

Wooott! Wooott! Musica!!! Yeahh! Yeahh!!

Tonight we will have our first Monday Painting Session at Peter's - dadadaaadddaaa! ... and I am shortly before finishing the big Goblin-Graveyard Diorama that will be called "Treasure Guardian", only some small things to do while already packing and preparing for next weekends painting class in Hamburg. I will take the Rhino to Peter's tonight and count my painting plan schedule soon to 3/4 or maybe 4/4 :)

Soon there will be final photos of the miniatures I have finished lately. I am just too busy at the moment with mostly everything. To all those waiting for a bigger filled email from my side, please be patient. I want to do this with the respect you deserve and my time is straight off the hook at the moment - I'll be at you as soon as possible and the winds chill a little bit ...

One Information I still got in my pocket - the new Tabletop Insider is soon available or already on the road and beside a lot of cool stuff you find there a big article about Matt's Slayersword winning Diorama of last years Games Day Germany. The mag is in german language only. Here you can find a pixeled preview of the upcoming issue.

Habbi Babbi Bainting ... still ;)


  1. Oh I see... Gamesday preperation is all around. In my room too :-)

  2. It is good to start early I think :)
