24 January 2012

Ravage Interview about MV - english version

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Some of you might remember the Interview I did for the french magazin "Ravage" ...


Julien Casses informed me today that the english translation is up to his blog now you can read it here if you want to know more about Massive Voodoo's background.

Thanks for the translation work @Julien, thanks again for your far too kind words and thanks for getting this rolling.

Best Wishes


  1. Thanks for the report and the translation! Well done!
    That is the real jungle! UUUaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...

    Best Regards

  2. :) - big Gorilla Hug to you Daddy@Cool

  3. A totally deserved YES from me! I love the interview, it transfers the atmosphere and mood of MV in it's essence. Massive Voodoo is unique...and always will be ;)
    I'm looking forward to seeing u guys again.
