29 January 2012

Brekk, the Unbreekable hitting ebay...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

You now can make this unique version of ForgedMonkey's 1:10 Brekk bust yours.
The auction starts with a fair starting price of 0.99 $ like always.
Shipping worldwide.

Check the auction here with all the details!

Happy Bidding!

Here is a little photo I have done from the bust 
- for seize comparision. Photo done with lightning from the camera, 
so not the best:


  1. Off topic, but what display case do you use?

  2. The most common one I guess - Ikea - don't know the exact name atm, but it is a cheaper one. I try to resist to go to the Ikea webpage and search for you ... I try to resiste just because I have to much to do :) ... easy to find I suppose!
