02 January 2012

At last ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... but by no means least this means progress - still a lot to do :)

You won't understand this post by only looking at pictures - the jungle ain't a comic book.

Meanwhile due the waiting time until there is cleaned room for happy painting again I can show you another miniature I did as a Christmas gift for a very nice person. This time it was for Raffa's Lady, Anci and ... let me explain, but first musica:

I would love to call this one in a lot of names.
Not easy as there is much in it from the past.
Personal moods and private things.

For one you can see Raffa and Anci standing there as tiny figures which I got from Railroad equipment. On the other Hand you can see a part of Stonehenge, where I've read the book in the same name by Bernard Cornwell. I was telling Raffa a lot about this book and those evil Stoneage people, running around naked and fighting madly with primitve clubs. As we were standing outside the balcony, where the last months of 2011 have been occoupied by roof workers we found some dirt caused by them and we build up a little stonehenge that was protectet by the one and only, Batman ...

I did choose to keep those stones and planned a little gift for Anci.
I took the Stones with me to the painting class in Wetzlar and started building up a base there, also started painting on them, also explaining some brush techniques and there was also one of the participant who had some painting moments on it for a try out of the explained techniques.

Shortly before Christmas while doing all my gift stuff I did finish the piece. It is indeed nothing very special, but for me it has a lot of meaning so let me explain further. Raffa and Anci standing there, also there is one dog, you can call her Lassie, as she is there to protect both of them from undead stoneage zombies with primitive clubs. There is also a little ape hiding behind the stones. No ones knows what he is doing there, maybe he urinated at the stones, maybe he wants to scare Lassie or ... just let your imagination flow :)

I want to call this one "Californication II", as somehow it has the same feeling for me as the work of mine "Californication I". I would love to call it "Lassie". In the end I called it "my little SKYRIM", not "my little pony". Why Skyrim? Because as I found those cool stones too in the game and for me this is my little Skyrim - I hope you enjoy this little madness :)

My little SKYRIM
Scratchbuild, 15 mm

If you like to vote for 
my little Skyrim - click here!
Wow - that is my 400th upload to CMON, yeaha!

As it was done in just a couple of painting hours you won't find painting perfection in it. It was just for the fun of it and here and there are still places that are not the cleanest, but Anci seemed happy and maybe she will read this text someday to get to know what is all behind this little piece :)

So much talk
- to those who did read that far you got my respect.
I hope it wasn't that boring. I now get back to some serious cleaning.

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Dear Roman,

    I´m really plaesed, happy and touched by this gift! Thank you very much for one of the most beautiful christmas presents i ever got. (of course nothing can compete with Raffas gift ;-)
    I´m happy to have such a nice ape next door :-*


  2. Thanks for that comment, Anci - big gorilla hug to you!

  3. For any reason, cmon won't let me comment your work there, so I'll do it here.

    The scene is so simple, but yet monumental in it's appeal.
    For I roam the lands of skyrim too from time to time, I have to say YES this is the impression many of the places outside the towns submit to me. I find it really hard to discribe, why I love this little scene so much.
    I think it is a little part of a way more complex and wide, yet unknown land, history and legends beyound imagination, it is everything this game means to me, traveling, explore new little places, forget the world outside your chars life for a few hours.
    It are those little rockbuildings, the ponds, destroyed houses and watchtowers where bandits and worse can hide, old ghosts hunt the lands and small things happen, which makes me love skyrim and your interpretation of it.

    There are many epic painters outside, who do stuff sicker than man should be able to do, but there are just a few who can express so much with so little things and who deliver feelings, dreams and wake memories. You are definitely one of them and I always love to dream thanks to your works.

    Greets Martin/Farbfanatiker
