04 December 2011

One Question...

While taking a Short Break from Writing Articles and Workshop Structures for our upcoming "Ben & Matt SMARTMAX Workshop" in Lüdenscheid starting next Friday something beautiful came flying to me through the Aether, an Interesting Video that I would like to share with ya!

Thanks... So Beautiful, especially these Natural People... It´s Wonderful to see their faces and reactions when they get to know the Questions, when they are Thinking, Considering, Answering, Walking away...

The Massive Voodoo Question for you to answer could be:

"What Does Painting Mean To You? Where Do You Think It Will Take You?"

Veeeery curious about your answers...:)...


  1. Painting means nothing more than the application of paint however the process of painting means a release from the tangible, an experiment in colours, emotions and scenarios or possibly a means of interpetation for that whish is othewise uninterpretable.

    Like all things in life painting will take me further along a path which is part of the journey to a destination which is completely unknown.

  2. Painting along with music and every form of "art" is all that makes me feel really alive, using our brains is the only thing that makes us different from the animals... Is the only thing that prove that we "are" something else. Alot of people don't use brain everyone that will read this comment can confirm my statements... Who is eager to learn is the only one who can claim hisself "alive". Remember: Sapere Aude!

  3. I completly go with Chris here aka Monkeyman - additional painting means freedom to me :)

    I also go with the second answer - damn, i have to think more - good points, gentleman and ladies ... can't wait to read more :)

  4. I am getting further in thinking about it and after me and my girlfriend enjoyed the video very much I first got to say: Regrets - I don't have any! :)

  5. Painting is Meditation for me. I totaly get lost in time with just a small figure and some relaxing music. Ít is my way to keep me balanced for my real life.
    Where it will take me? Don´t know, but I hope it helps me to stay more relaxed, focused and balanced with all the little problems in life. These problems often stress me more than its good for me and people around me. That special painitng mood helps me to recharge myself
    PS: Thanks for sharing the video Matt

  6. Painting for me is to become calm, to bring my mind in a concentrated state where I can "feel" the colourful evolution of the mini itself - to give life to all the shadows and lights which wouldn't be there if there's no paint and contrast between the different shades of colour.
    To paint is to give birth to creativity - but at the same moment to paint is to kill creativity, because with a stroke of the brush all the ideas will die for the one which gets on the mini...

    Regrets? Noone - but one: To be unable sometimes to give more love and compassion to the people I don't like. :/

  7. Very strong video! I think what the last lady says about not bothering with regrets are true words of wisdom: to take what you have and do something with it; not get lost in the past and what may have been. Wish I'd be able to follow that mindset more..

    Painting to me is beauty. It's the ability to create and give life to something dead - be it canvas, paper or miniatures. It's a way of releasing one's emotions; to expose one's soul. One can escape the troubles and stress of everyday life and find peace in the steady rythm of brushstrokes.

  8. Generally speaking, painting for me is joy!

    Creating something that was just a thought one moment before is pure joy. Coming to miniatures this means, setting them in a context like a army with background, or building a scenario table, or just a little dio really is one part of the thrill. And painting is the essential part of the creation - more like: I have to paint but in a positive and joyful way.

    The other source of the joy, is to share this little piece of art with you. See the smile on ones face or the amazement if you field an painted army - for me that's the even same important part of the joy of our miniature madness.

    Hope I explained it right ;-)

  9. Great Answers so far... Got me thinking about it too and... (very personal and maybe it sounds very strange, but) For me Painting is to connect with a Higher Deity or the Force that has created everything, including us (you don´t have to call it God, if you prefer not to...)... It is a form of communication through Creativity, first to analyze what is there, second to listen to what it could be (the Mysterium...) and finally to transfer or translate it to our Reality... Dreams are very important, but too much stress and everyday distraction can make us less sensible to hear or see the things we can use to grab a little piece of another World to make Reality in ours... I love the mixture of a serious approach to a kinda silly Occupation, because it´s what life in general means to me (not to be too serious about things that we cannot really control anyways, like Death or Unfairness, so let´s enjoy the time we have to the Fullest and be part of this Great World we live in, staying hungry, curious and honest in order to achieve Happiness in the End...)...

  10. What I find interesting is this here:

    "To paint is to give birth to creativity - but at the same moment to paint is to kill creativity, because with a stroke of the brush all the ideas will die for the one which gets on the mini..."

    I think it is about Variety!... I can explain an Idea using 10.000 of Words, explain every little Detail, the Atmosphere, the Colours, the Parts, Everything to the most exact Detail... Still, the Final Result will be very different from what I have been expecting, since we are all different with different Childhoods, Situations, Experiences, Preferences and so on... People are like Filters that keep analyzing and interpreting the World they are living in constantly, regardless how "smart", creative or valuable they seem to be to others... Everyone is Absolutely Special and can achieve Unique things... The task is to find one´s Talents, to set his or her Goals and to try to Achieve them somehow (although they will constantly shift due to new Experience or Perspectives...)... So, killing an Idea because you paint a Miniature seen through your Filter for me is impossible, since it is way too absolute... It is dangerous to think this, too, since it would paralyze your Creative Process (e.g. "It´s no use to try to paint this Miniature since XYZ Pro Painter has already painted it and it cannot be done better...)... I always liked to be the Underdog since you don´t have anything to lose... You just start and paint, staying true to yourself... none of the last years Evolution Miniature Painting... Art, Culture, Science, anything, would have been possible if there wasn´t for this one Guy that was not satisfied (or stupid enough...:D...) to simply start to work on something deemed "done"...

    What is a bit hard for me to see is how Easily Satisfied a lot of People are when it comes to Miniatures... It´s important to stay Hungry! To ask for more! To try hard to shift the Borders of what is deemed possible! Only this Avantgarde Thinking, this Groundbreaking Mentality, this will to Change something, leave something behind or to confront the Status Quo can truly be considered Art (which is important to start cross connecting to other fields like Film, Architecture, Classical Painting and so on...)...

    Hehe, now back to that Article, I think I will use some of what is written in here too... Thank you all...:)...

  11. Very nice post...

    It's a very good question.

    For me it is the opportunity to create and transfer ideas, dreams and creative images in my head. Also it's always a quest how to create and capture the images in my head in a miniature. How to transfer the idea into something real and the good feeling of creation.
    Especially when the project is a sculpt it gives me a very rewarding feeling in the end that something was created by my hands and my mind. Something touchable out of nothing but clay, wire, pigments and color.
    The whole thing gives me such a sensation and it's such a enjoyable feeling to be a "creator".... For sure painting and sculpting for me is also some kind of meditation, i get lost in time and space and all my mind is focused around the little piece in front of me. And last but i think for me for sure not least are the people. I met so many new faces and made many new friends, some of them shattered over the world that share the same passion, that all have the mind of a creator and that is something that really gets you connected to each other more that with other persons. For some you can really feel the fire for the passion, the will to create and the will to invent and that is in my opinion something most important to the whole appeal.

    Ohhh, too much words, i will stop now ;)

  12. This is exactly why I am so grateful that Massive Voodoo has been created... All those things you say, Raffa, are exactly the things I have experienced some time ago, but I missed writing them down to make them understandable for others... :)... It is so, so very true! Without the People, without seeing the Passion and different cultural Background people come from and operate I would have long left all this, I think... It got a whole great Momentum of it´s own once we have discovered traveling the World for Miniatures (how wonderful and silly is that...:D...?...), meeting people that are all individuals, special in their own way, inspiring us, confronting us, disgusting us, cheering us up, dragging us down, laughing at us, with us, because of us... Beautiful Little Stories and Tales, New Friends, Fresh Thoughts... This is what keeps everything interesting and very Real...

    I also agree very much about the Creator thing... It should be our Aim to deserve being called like that...

  13. Matt Cexwish wrote:
    "What is a bit hard for me to see is how Easily Satisfied a lot of People are when it comes to Miniatures... It´s important to stay Hungry! To ask for more! To try hard to shift the Borders of what is deemed possible! Only this Avantgarde Thinking, this Groundbreaking Mentality, this will to Change something, leave something behind or to confront the Status Quo can truly be considered Art (which is important to start cross connecting to other fields like Film, Architecture, Classical Painting and so on...)..."

    Interesting point of view, but this is something I don´t expect from myself, when I try to paint.
    Sad but true I am not an artist. So when I am back from work I simply enjoy finding the time and mood to paint aka meditate (see coment above). I simply start painting, and when I start relaxing, because I had a good day and the brush and colour is totaly in harmony with me, I might be that I rise about my own limits. Of course then I am totaly happy and proud of me, but it is not the aspect I expect from myself with every new miniature.
    I really would like to experience a steep learning curve, but this I only experienced twice. One time with a painting jam with Mo and one time on the workshop with Roman. In both cases nothing around me was important for the next 4-9 hours, I simply could enjoy the mini and the colours.
    I really would like to repeat that kind of jams in a much higher frequency, but this is a luxary I can´t get as often I want.
    With that circumstances I am happy with anything I achieve, even I know by myself that this isn´t art or anything other might impress.
    I primary paint for myself and as long I feel good with the end-result everything is fine, even if I know that my mini could be much better painted.
    I enjoy the minis of the artists who can find a way to expend their limits with every mini, but this is not my way.
    My personel first idea when I read your text (from a pure hobby point of view):
    There is no right an wrong with painting. As long you experience good vibes, you do it right, regardless of the result.

    sorry for the long and off topic text

  14. Paint is a tool, it doesn't take me anywhere but instead gives me a means to let my ideas conscious and unconscious to take form.

    (it's the same with music, the instrument is just a tool.)

  15. I have fun planning the colors and base, painting everything and finally playing with the miniatures.

  16. What does painting mean to me?

    I love constructing images and scenes in my mind. I have always from child to know loved daydreaming. I think most people must enjoy such things. Painting is the way I give birth to those thoughts and images and try to nurture them into a completed state. The sense of accomplishment after finishing a mini that I've really tried to put my most into and come clost to that original idea that was just a thought rolling around in my mind is why I love painting at it's purest. At it's simplest even if I am just doing something on autopilot without trying to push myself or match too closely an idea I had I still get a base satisfaction out of putting paint to fig as well. All around painting is my therapy.

    Where do I think it will take me?

    It is my hope that perhaps as I push myself from time to time to paint bolder technically and thematically that I can come closer to realising the images and scenes in my mind. I know that the closer I come to finishing mini's that match my mental image the more satisfied I am. So an enhanced feeling of satisfaction as I reach goals I have set out is where I hope my hobby will take me. Without all that lofty idealistic talk... I just plain enjoy it. Painting just helps me put the cherry on top of a life I am really enjoying.

    Good questions!

  17. Painting focuses me in the "now". Gives me a chance for a personal, private experience in the "now".

    I think it will take me to a higher level of joy in a way that playing golf does when I walk a course alone.

  18. It could be so many things for only one person. Just a hard question you posted :)

  19. Wow.. tough one.. actually painting stir up emotions that are kinda mixed inside me, it means a great deal to me even if i not the greatest painter it somewhat makes me unique.

    I have been painting for the past 10 years, during that time i have been through many things. Painting have been my way of escaping and i also know for a fact that the models that i have painted the best i can.. It have always been when i have powerfull emotions swinging inside me.

    When thinking about it, nowdays im to stressed out, my hands shake when i paint, i cant focus on the models and often i just ger irritated about the results. Wich is wrong!

    So many emotions at the same time, so much inside to think about and live up to. It makes me want to hide in a forest.

    But the short answer should be..

    Painting is a way to channel my feelings into something dead to make it live, since i more or less is used to bottle emotions it gives a hint of relaxation.

    The second part of the question.. hmm..

    When i was younger? I wanted to be the best painter in my land..

    Nowdays? I dont know, i feel kinda lost about that part.

    Thanks for a great blog! Seeing people so happy about small things is truly a gift.

  20. Painting helps me to understand - let me say "life" - easier. In Moments of pure painting and on a start of a cool painting night it already feels epic just switching on the light bulb. Most of the time it keeps epic, even there are fails or little happy accidents happening. Painting is one of some things in my life that stops me from thinking about regrets :)

  21. Just for the start: the video is awesome, it kinda brought tears to my eyes. Can't tell ya why. Thanks Matt.

    For me painting and sculpting is one very personal way to do what only I can do, what only I can come up with. It's like putting a big fat printmark on reality, and by that seeing ourselves being reflected on our surroundings. It's a way to feel alive.

    Thanks for that blog, that meeting point ;)

  22. Interesting video. Heard this question asked not a lot of times but i guess it makes some of us stop and think for a moment.

    At least for me, painting is a way to convey my thoughts / emotions to create a story. In some ways, painting takes me away from the real world, and plants me some place else surreal and not feel regretful.

    Thanks for this post.
