24 November 2011

Tonights plan will ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... bring me to priming, hopefully.
After mostly everything for the Painting Class Weekend is packed I will take some more minutes to bring the Artist's Workshop further to getting primed. That's the plan :)

I am freezing all my email activity again for the weekend and be back on Monday/Tuesday and may you all have a nice end of the week.

Happy Painting so far!
Best Wishes


  1. Woaha! I'm looking forward for this one!

  2. Hi Roman, it's nice to see you inspired by your travel to Italy this way. Very cool and special idea :-)

  3. You're really kings of basing, guys! This is awesome work, you're doing, keep on happy basing :D

  4. My first impression was, so this guy is building a christmas crib... I'm really curious what it will become! Greetz Tuffskull

  5. I am on it! Only 3 days left :D - thanks for your motivation!
