11 October 2011

You can't rollerskate ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... in a Buffalo Herd was the first thing i had in mind while doing the painting class in Berlin. A lot of participants but we all had our fun - so you can rollerskate in a buffalo herd when the buffalos are wearing rollerskates too :D

It was a great weekend and I want to say many thanks to everyone involved. We arrived home save today and as soon as possible when all that stuff is back in place a big review to the class will be written. A little preview - thanks to Robert for the fast group shot email:

More to come soon!
Happy Painting and thanks again for such a nice weekend!

PS: Please be patient about my emails - i'll answer soon but i got so many at the moment after 5 days off ... 


  1. I have that song on my computer right now!

  2. Maybe we were many like a Buffalo Herd, but at least we were not smelling like a Buffalo Herd.....at least I hope so ;-)
    Anyways , it was a great time, looking for my (painting)-holidays
