22 October 2011

Petit Marius to help Japan!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

You all might remember the tragedy that hit Japan earlier this year. The jungle helped with a donation and sold miniatures, also others jumped the train and helped with their own ebay auctions, selling miniatures to help the people of Japan. Here you can read the full announcement we did during the actual disaster.

Now Yannick a talented french painter did sent me his work he has done for supporting this idea some months ago. Yannick is also involved in the french Japan box project i have announced earlier but here is a reminder:

Another important information about a great issue from some well known french sculptors to help Japan. There is now a set of 8 exclusive Miniatures related to Japan for Sale - i can say i've waited for it and already ordered mine - here you can get a preview:

8 exclusive miniatures box sold for the benefit of the Japanese Red Cross to help victims of the earthquake of March 11 in Japan, 2011

More information here: http://www.atorgael.com/japanaction/the-box-action-for-japan/

Yannick asked me if i could sell it for him on ebay as he never used ebay before, and later on donate the amount the auction brings to www.Aktion-Deutschland-hilft.de.  Yannick will sent the miniature to the winner of the auction. 

The auction is starting tonight. It will run for 7 days with a fair starting price of 0.99 $ with free worldwide shipping. I think i have to show you now what Yannick did - it is called Petit Marius and will for sure would look great in your cabinet at home.

Better late as never - here comes the auction - do something good and get something really great. Thanks to Yannick for jumping up the train to this action - you might think it is late, but i tell you it is never too late to do something good.

Click on the banner to get directed to the auction:

If you got any questions left, please feel free to add a comment and Yannicks and my help is guaranted.

Happy Bidding!


  1. So Simple, so full of good heart....

  2. nice post dear blogger

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