14 October 2011

Nurgle is blough!!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Nurgle progress - now off til Mondayyyyy!!
I think i will name my version Fist of Nurgle :)
Peters General is a Standard Evil Nurgle Gangsta :)


  1. I can't see any pics :(

  2. Carlitos fist on the nurgle guy is funny ! I like the whole conversion. Keep it on both are looking nice.

  3. Really nice work on these guys. Minis from the Nurgle army have huge potential - you can add pretty much everything to them without making them look ridiculous. Keep up the great work!

  4. very nice work, but are they finished?
    the left guy seems unfinished to me : S

  5. Nurgle is always fun, largely for the reason Viruk mentioned. Nothing is "too much" ;)

  6. oraldesigner aka LutzOctober 15, 2011 at 6:28 AM

    regarding to the "Anonymous": When you look at the top is says "Work in progress" so I guess the answer to your question is a NO ;-)
    Nice work so far Roman, GOGOGO...I luv nurgle ;-)
    Will you post a "How I did it" when they´re finished?...

  7. Left one "When I grow up I want Daddy Nurgle to be proud of me, I want to be big, slimy and strong"

    Right one "Boss Nurgle is a big pile of pooh that does whatever It wants and never show up at my birthdays. I was so naive when I was young"

  8. :D @Kraan

    Thanks for your comments - that made my day. Yes @Viruk, there is not much you can do wrong at Nurgle and it is always big fun.

    Pictures available for you now?

    I honestly guess no about a "How i did it" - i am calming down in the next weeks and promise a Miniature Step by Step, planned and executed, but not on this one as it started with too much fun without the option to take photos during the process ...

    Work in Progress ;)
