08 October 2011

Midnight WiPs

posted by Peter aka Baphomet

Hey guys,

while big Kong and little Capuchin are in Berlin for some days (visitig Mati and holding a quite big painting class), I stayed here in Augsburg. While waiting for their return I keep myself busy with making some thoughts about my further way in life, my topic for my (possible) dissertation and of course doing some painting stuff ;)

After I moved to my new flat painting is a lot more fun and I slowly make progress with my (so it sometimes feels) never ending Murmillo-project ;)

So here are some impressions of my new workplace and the gladiator:

Well, you see there is still a lot to do to finish this big guy... In the last days I kept my focus on the skin, especially on the arm holding the shield. I tried some new things with oil-colours and I´m quite satisfied with the results... but still a long way to go ;)

Keep on going your own ways!


  1. the muscles on his left shield arm are looking good.

  2. He really looks good in general already-the chest is very good! :) Keep it up!

  3. Hey... In the moment the skin lacks depth. But it looks like a great start!
    Greetz Tuffskull

  4. Ach ist der aber schön!! Peter deine Gladiatoren werden ja immer besser ;)
