20 October 2011

Khorne General on Juggernaut - Finished!

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....

Heeeeeeey there,

my first post after all the Games Day action in italy!
Maybe i will write a little bit about the GD, but at the moment im not in the mood and the event itself was a games day mostly like all the others ;)

It was very nice to meet so many cool, creative, nice and ingenious people in italy and i hope i will see many of them soon again in Monte San Savino :)

But ... my reason of posting is another!

After the GD i really wanted to paint something just as a fun and "shut brain off" activity, so i grabbed this juggernaut i had standing around for quite some time and painted him in my version of the boxart paintjob.

I hope you like it even if it is a fast paintjob and no fancy conversions :)
You can also vote on cmon!



  1. You´re damned fast man ;)

  2. Yeah it's fast, and you are my red master!

  3. Hi,

    great Mini again! But, as you said, it is possible to see that it was a quicker paintjob than usual. It’s a little bit closer to the kind a "normal" painter can paint.
    On the neck segments, the lower part of the upper legs and at the "Kopfschmuck" the transitions of color from light to dark aren’t as soft as for example at your GD Minis (by the way – congratulations to your Italian Demons. Your winged Demon is absolutely stunning!!!).
    If you would spend some more hours on the Khorne General, what would you do to smoothen this transitions?
    At the first neck segment, close to the head, directly under and behind the collar, the brownish red is dominant. If you would like to bring the brighter red back again, how would you do it?
    I like the base very much, especially the sight from the backside. What is the base made of? Slate, cork, Milliput or what?
    (Menno, ist das alles schwierig auf Englisch, wenn die letzte Englischstunde fast 30 Jahre zurück liegt. Ich hoffe Du verstehst trotzdem was ich will.)

  4. Hey there dear Anonymous :)
    Yes it was a really quick Paintjob, but it was not my goal to make a perfect mini ;)
    Sometimes it's important to have the maximum fun with a mini and if the result is not perfect in some way .... it still was fun :)

    The base was made with some plaster parts, slate and acrylic paste :)

  5. Hi Raffa,

    oh yes, you are totally right. Often the fun gets lost on the hunt for perfection.
    Thanks for your quick answer and I really hope you didn´t misunderstand me, if so – SORRY!!! - the mini is great (mein post sollte auf keinen Fall despektierlich oder abwertend gemeint sein).
    My questions about transitions and richness of color came because i´m so interested about the next steps (and of course I hoped to lift the lid of your "Painting-Treasurebox" a bit).. Normally you show only 100 % Minis. With this 90 % Mini it is the readers chance to see/learn what you do (or what you would do) to change a very good mini into an outstanding mini

  6. Hey again :)

    If i want to achieve a 100% paintob i would choose a completely other path for beginning and painting the mini... after basecoating i choose what to do with the mini, and from this it depends which path i choose. :)

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