29 October 2011

Joy of Painting

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

We had some friends from Austria at our place for the last days and it was such a great visit with great fun, great chats, great food, great painting and a lot of joy of painting in the end. That is why the last days have been a bit unbusy in the jungle. Some random Work in Progress - more impressions soon in the video that is in the making - also Chris's box is finished by Raffa and me :)

I'll be back at emails on Monday :)
May your weekend be blessed!


  1. Nice leaves! where are they from?

  2. Hah! That is a good question - i did get them from a spanish friend via mail about 1,5 years ago. I am not sure if they are somewhere for sale. Raffa and I did already guess and think and we came to the result that they might be blanked from real dry leaves, like those Christmas cookies ...

  3. looking good anyways :)
