22 October 2011

Inspirational Shoryuken

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Mkay - a week has past and the internet again hit me with too many inspirational things. Many thanks to those who did sent me stuff and ideas. Special Thanks to Adam at this point (more later). I hope you enjoy this little inspiration Shoryuken - here we go!

Miniature related Stuff

Painting with Julio Cabos I
Painting with Julio Cabos II 
Masashi Kohara Models (facebook only)

Blog News and Introductions

DieVincis - How to build an arabian diorama - part 1
5th Dimension - Workshop Review (many thanks)
Romain Van den Bogaert (great stuff)
Corvus Miniatures - Duzi 2011 Event Coverage 
Spyglass Asylum - Painting the Corpse Cart 
Arsies Studio Blog - great Step by Step
Mallows Miniatures - Blending and Glazing Tutorials 
Igazzu Art Studio

Johannes Leak Illustrations


Atmosphere - The Best Day
The Unit series - Theme Song
Void of A Legend - Antoniette Costa and Kevin "K.O."Olusola
The Lumberjack Song

Worth a look

Numi Toilet
Air Swimmers
Store Front
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams
Super Punch - Factory Mask
Battleship Official Trailer
Land of the Lost Official Trailer

Thanks to Adam for showing me several cool things:

A great Altar you can zoom in to detail
Cool Clip of a nice girl

I loved this polish animation movie:

Ehh babbarribba!!!


  1. Genius! Thanks for the inspirations! I post them on my side so that manny people can read them!

    Painting Mage

  2. Thanks to you - yes indeed really enjoyed posting these - it seems behind every link there is a little miracle - my favourite is the toilet :D

  3. YAY! One of them gave me a cool inspiration.
    But the toilet is great, too :D
