26 September 2011

Ticking away ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

The clock on the wall is ticking away ... tac, tic and I don't stop my happy painting and blogging rage :)

There is but one sad story to tell - I guess the summer is over now. My balcony is the best proof of that fact as there are some works going on at our roof soon and they already build up the framework - gna!

Ok, enough of my balcony with this stupid framework.
Back to Miniatures again.

I did finish another bunch of models lately - happy painting rage i told you. Most of the models are concepted for gaming and not painted in my highest standard as i did describe here. I am just painting these days and it is pretty stunning to me that i really can finish stuff with this happy painting rage :)

First there is a Warhammer Fantasy Tax Collector, who collects Taxes in the cities of the Empire. Hope you like him!

Imperial Tax Collector
Games Workshop, 28 mm

For sure every imperial Tax Collector is protected, well protected. The bodyguard of this Tax Collector is a real master at the sword but he doesn't talk much - this guy is called Sir Ricardo Garcia and is one fine bodyguard.

Sir Ricardo Garcia
Games Workshop, 28 mm

The last one to post is for sure a gaming piece - one of my planned and failed grey knight army soldiers finished to a quick end to have him ready for the battlefields.

Advancing Grey Knight 
Games Workshop, 28 mm

If you like to vote for them here you find the Imperial Tax Collector, Sir Ricardo Garcia and the Grey Knight. All models will hit ebay soon - if you want to make sure to get hold of one of them feel invited to write me an email at jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com for a quote and more information.

This feeling of getting things done is magnificant.Tac, tic and i don't quit :)
Happy Painting all around the workbenches!

Best Wishes


  1. Hi guys,

    I love the grey knight... particularly the sword..
    what colors did you used for this? red/purple base, with dark blue for shade? and pink for light? exact?
    Nice results... I ask this as I have a grey knight brother stern to paint for the french games day
    See you !


  2. Hiho francois, thanks for your comment. The sword was mainly done as you described. Basic was a Blood Red/Warlock Purple, just pure white into the mix for the lights (=makes pink) and shadows by mixing in some regal blue to the basic colour and finally a small tip of black ... lighntings have been painted during the process... hope that helped somehow :)
