21 August 2011

Home is

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

“Home, the spot of earth supremely blest; A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest”
 Robert Montgomery 

Home again and starting right off to answer emails from several days that i had been away on vacation, doing the aftermath of the Hannover's painting class and getting myself ready to do some rumble in the jungle :) - a little more information to everything will drop in the jungle as soon as i am getting myself out of relaxation mode that i've found during some time off from mostly everything - holidays, vacation time - i'll miss you but keep you saved in my heart :)


  1. I absolutely love the Jezebels! I'm going to see them live in a few weeks time as they're doing a European tour - I'm very excited!

    Thanks for the inspirational painting work and the great music links, keep up the good work! :-)

  2. I envy you about this fact - but i try to find some information if they are in Germany too - plz! plz!
