08 August 2011

Brave Warriors Returning HoMe

posted by Peter, Baphomet

Hey guys,

after two hard but very very cool days, the monkey-crew has returned home. We were in Cologne for the German Games Day this weekend. It was awesome to meet some of you who follow this blog and the crazy monkeys crew inhabiting the jungle... to get all this mass of positive feedback made our hearths jump and all the difficult situations we had during travelling to Cologne forgotten! Also to see our brothers Ben and Matt once more, to laugh and to be thrilled together with them after the award show was nearly the best of the whole weekend.

Big Congratulations to Matt for winning the Slayer Sword (I´m sure he will tell us something about his project later) and to the Big Kong for his Bronze Deamon!

Well, I´m very very tired and after this long day I smell a little bit strange, but we wanted to thank all of you and everybody who made this two days sepcial :) And a absolute jungle-like thank you and big hug to our matchless driver, His Kurtheit I. (who also won a Bronze Deamon) and to Daniela for giving us a dry and beautiful place for sleeping and relaxing :)

There will be a separate posting and telling you our experiences and give you some impressions later ;)

Good night & best wishes,


  1. Thank you so much, it was a pleasure to me, giving u a nice place to sleep and chill... you made my weekend

  2. Fantastic work, Matt! Now we want to see more pictures, bigger pictures, and read how long it took you to make such an inspired diorama.


  3. Thank u guys for letting me join this crazy trip to Cologne. It was a pleasure sitting shoulder to shoulder to such honorable people ;)

    I will take pictures of my Wood Elf Guardian and send them to you.

    (I hope the more space in the car on the trip back made up for the loss of my company ;) )

    cheers and congratulations to the big Kong and his Kurtheit for their Demons.

    Elric aka Wolfgang

  4. Peter aka BaphometAugust 8, 2011 at 4:02 PM

    Hey Wolfgang :) it was a lot of fun to have you with us. Once of congratulations to your deamon!

  5. That BigKong, who told us no to bring something to the games day, LOL

  6. @Theoderic
    :D - it wasn't something new ;)

    It was a real great weekend - some of my personal impressions will soon follow including a video report of impressions and many miniatures...

  7. Hey! congratulation to Roman and Wolfgang for their Demons and Matt for the sword!!!
    It was a lot of fun but also stressful^^
    Maybe next year i could organize a bigger car for comfortable driving.

    Kurtheit :-)
