01 June 2011

This is soooo worth watching!!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


Yes. This is sooo worth watching.
I do not know if you heard of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

It was branded by the news and media as a dying city because of its bad statistics when it comes to wealth, employment statistics and so on. You can find the background of the story here (english) and here (german).

Now comes the clue - the citiziens of Grand Rapids did strike back. They showed the media and the world that happiness isn't about money and statistics - it is about something that comes from the heart and they did a video to represent their city to the world. No matter what - this city isn't dying. Enjoy the video in HD - this is sooo worth watching:

Thanks to my man, Big K from Austria for the news :)


  1. Awsome.....this make my day ^^

  2. Yeah, thanks for posting. That was actually really well orchestrated. Our wealth is definitely not relient on employment or money, although those things will sometimes make us feel comfortable, it's our very spirits that will bring us joy even through dark times.

  3. that is the best thing ive heard today :) it makes you happy!

  4. Roman, unrelated, the post about simon m is up on heroesofarmageddon.blogspot.com


  5. Great video! Thanks for sharing..

  6. Thank you very much for this fantastic video. It shows a reaction of creative people. It is time to change the daily news full of violence to the platform for good news. We have a lot of fantastic and good things in the world!

    Best regards Daddy@Cool

  7. That was beautiful.
