30 June 2011

All good things come to those ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... who wait.

I was sitting on the balcony, priming a miniature when suddenly the sky errupted and my ears felt like "Oh no! My balcony is going to be attacked by some fighting helicopters!" In the end it was no helicopter, it was a big bug who just landed on my arm, breaking out of the clouds to hit my arm ... a while ago i was scared by a giant mosquito-something in the bed room and now i am going to train an army of monster bugs to defend against these evil long legged flyers- just kidding, i did put him to a plant on the tree but he just sat there for a second and made WRRRROOOOOOMMMMM!! to the skies again ... a true explorer :)

And it all happened in just some heartbeats :)


  1. Those colors give me a sizzle- Thanks mother nature. Try to immitate this with a brush ;)

  2. Yes indeed... I always planned to do some Experiments with this kind of Effect on Tyranids (also useing a Date - Fruit Effect, hmmmm... Dates...)...

  3. The first wave of the Tyranid invasion on Terra.

  4. Holy sh*t! That's monstrous! In Finland you rarely see insects that big.

  5. Heeee..ein lebendige Käfer. Als Frühstück verspeist?
