20 May 2011

DELUXE Sculpting class in Blumberg-Achdorf, Germany

posted by Mati/lil Orang Utan/Badsmile

Hello Jungle friends of putties ! I would like to announce my next sculptig Workshop ( DELUXE edition Baby !!! Wooohoooow !) . It will be held in Blumberg-Achdorf in Germany during the 25th till the 27th of November.

The workshop is called DELUXE as you will have a place to stay and get fed by some helping monkeys with all banana goodness available.

For more detailed information just follow this link ---> CLICK HERE !!!


I would be more than happy if you'd join us there !

Cheers, Mati


  1. LOOOOOL Romi shortened my legs !

  2. Gleich mal gucken ob da Herbstferien sind, dann bin ich da sowas von dabei! :)

  3. Shortend legs, ha, ha. Mati, thats reality!!!
    Regards Daddy@Cool

  4. Mmmmh, wer kommt denn noch alles?
    Interesse wäre definitiv da, wieder von Bern in den Schwarzwald zu fahren. :)

  5. @Alex - Xändu : Hopefully the other monkeys will join in. We'll see. ;)

    @Daddy@Cool: LOOOOOOOL

  6. Manuel wird da sein und der Ich, evtl noch 2-3 andere aus dem Malworkshop im März aber versprechen kann ich nichts. Wie ich aber im Bemalforum sehen kann hast du dich ja schon "dafür" entschieden ;-)

  7. C'mon guys - it is still an english written blog ;)

  8. I am so deepfully sorry for the one who started to use that strange language. This won't happen (so soon) in future. I'm just so freaking happy. :)

  9. we're all very happy ! yeaaaah !^^
