04 April 2011


posted by roman, jarhead, kong

I could make your head explode by the lyrical content of telling you how wonderful the weekend in Paris was... i could, but I'll take some time to rest to return harder and just tell you - en ce moment pour une bonne maison...

Big thanks to Daddy@Cool!!


  1. It was great chatting with you there !
    The contest was great ! and Massive Voodoo did well !

    Hope to see you again !

  2. Welcome back from densely packed urban jungle to the hard, nearly impermeable, Massive Voodoo Jungle.

    Wuuuuhoooowwwwwww -- NEED BANANA !! --


  3. Paris is such a wonderful city, I hope you had some time for "tourism" or just drinking a coffee in these typical little french "cafés" :D I can't wait to read your impressions here, as I'm really a big fan of Paris!
