14 April 2011

On the road again...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


This is more a "Joy of Painting-Post", but i am feeling a bit sad to leave my workbench for another Painting Class, that is why i call it "on the road again". I am sad to leave but really happy and looking forward to hold the class in Dillingen-Saar. Raffa and his lady are with me and Raffa's lady is very talented when it comes to Miniature Painting - i am really looking forward what she thinks after the class. This might be the last posting until Monday from my side and on Tuesday there will be Captain Roberto rolling in - jippiieee!!

Some more Work in Progress shots from today before the final packing:

Don't forget to enter your Mad Max Car until Monday Night - rock on and make wheels burn and desert rabbits scared. Another Reminder: jump the boat and paint something for Japan if you want to help. I will stay busy like this until the Duke of Bavaria 2011 is over - then i will search a place in the jungle to rest my back and write some of the articles promised all the time...

Thanks for your patience and time you spent reading this :)
Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards


  1. roman, why not help out the Heroes of Armegeddon. We have started the largest charity event in miniatures painting and are going to give all the money to Doctors Without Borders. We would love help letting people in Germany and the rest of Europe know. Interested? go to

    Simon M has already donated a model, got your name from him
    Santa Cruz Warhammer

  2. @SC Mike
    You got mail, sorry did not have the time to answer yet as i have many emails a day - sorry for the wait you have to take with your email. I just thought this email should be answered with some free mind by myself due the respect i have for the topic and i am less busy next week - hope this is still in time to have a talk about your question...

  3. Yeah man, let me know when you can. Our project runs until mid july but I am kind of miffed on how to get this info into the euopean forums to access donations from your neck of the woods
    by the way, my buddy thinks you all kick all USA painters's asses, my you are good!

  4. @SC Mike
    I will get back to you next week :)

    It is not about ass kicking here and there won't be any action figures of some apes with brushes - I'll promise that ;)
