09 March 2011

Painting Jam 17 - Hive Tyrant

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

This is a pretty short Painting Jam but it comes from the heart and nothing else matters :)

Pershore asks...

Hi there,

Sorry for the intrusion, I am sure you must get a lot of these kinds of questions, but I recently picked up a hive tyrant to paint and was browsing the galleries for inspiration. I was totally blown away by your tyrant here: here and here. I would be really grateful for any pointers you might be able to give me about how you achieved that gigeresque paint scheme. It is fantastic!

Thanks in advance,

My answer
I hope this could help you - check Buglands for further information to this model! Let me know if this is ok or if i have to travel back in time in my head to remember more.


  1. This is Pershore, thanks, this is really helpful. I had thought that the kind of oily sheen must have required metalics. No airbrush is also a surprise. I will definitely try some of your techniques when painting my own hive tyrant!

  2. Glad i could helped. Many thanks for your response - so there it is your Hive Tyrant, now bravery and will shall make you go forth on this model! May the gods of bananas and colours be with you!
