08 March 2011

Joy of Painting III

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

What a lucky day!
Today i thought about ripping off the 2k water from the pirate's base as it dries far too slow than usual. Big Monkey brain Raffa told me that this might come from the amount of Tamyia Clear blue i have mixed in, this might slow this process i am waiting for. He told me this while i was already truely thinking about giving it another go. So patience is the bamboo forests king i guess, gorilla hands and powers at ease but ready to tear it apart, muhaha! Many thanks for the rescue big boy Raffa.

Progress on the pirate have to wait until this secret is revealed. So does the article about it. As this really becomes an intresting article i guess with tons of photos i have asked two Miniature Magazines, the "Gameforces" and the german "Tabletop-Insider" if they might be intrested in publishing this article. We are still chatting but you might have to wait til you can read this article in the jungle later on. Sorry, this is not about hurting the jungle - i can't explain with words what i want to write here.

Joy of Painting is still big in the jungle even there are game and movie trailers disturbing the viewers eye. The article with "How i pimp my Gladiator bust!" is taking me long too, but i guess it is worth the read, when it comes to pimping and skin colours. Also i did paint the base of the Charlie's Angels yesterday. Raffa is deeply concentrated and Peter is busy working on a Red Box Barbarian, which i epicly failed to photograph (sorry!)  - Here are some impressions from the last days...

Greetings and may you all keep on happy painting!

PS: And always remember to ...


  1. How many BECKS on your table... I think that increases your painting skills... eheheh :D

    the skintones of that demon prince are wonderful!

  2. ENVY !

    I soooooo wanna be there to hang with you guys. Big monkey greatings south !

  3. I agree with Rafa, the blue is retarding the curing time. Be patient in the jungle.


  4. Can't see what Peter is working on, but that blue demon prince is looking very pimped up and awesome!

  5. I mixed 2k Water with Devlan Mud and it needed 5 days für curing.

  6. @Arbaal
    Not much - one for everyone :)

    Patience is the mother of every jungle tree ;)

    Peter is painting a Red Box Games Barbarian and i have epicly failed to take a photo of it. Yeah that Demon Prince by Raffa is stunning so far, but it might get even more stunning soon...

    Oha! Many thanks for this info and report - i will give it even more time as i did use a lot of Tamyia Clear blue in it... patience :)
