17 February 2011

Jungle News 08

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

I didn't think there would be something to post tonight from my side again, but guess what there is :)

First, big thanks to Fireant for offering his translation help of our articles to polish. The first polish article is now in our library and you can find him here via link or just check the country flags in the article overview. Thumbs up for Robert aka muhani of the Jungle Crew for helping me a lot keeping this updated.

Another big thanks goes out to everyone who supports the jungle via a donation. Robert and I had the idea to make a list to have these marvellous contributors carved in wood forever in the big banana tree near the monkeys lair. I am not sure if anyone wants his real name in there so i have decided to show the date and the country where the donation came from. Many, many thanks to the following (there have been some before this date but i could not reconstruct them, sorry if you are one of those affected by this fail of mine, you can always email me to tell me about):

16.07.2010 Weilerswist, Germany, 20,00 $
30.08.2010 Denville, USA, 20,00 $
31.08.2010 Buchenberg, Germany, 10,00 $
24.10.2010 Buchenberg, Germany 10,00 $
07.11.2010 Rueil Malmaison, France, 20,00 $
09.11.2010 Darmstadt, Germany, 20,00 $
19.11.2010 Köln, Germany, 13,29 $
28.11.2010 Moscow, Russia, 5,00 $
28.11.2010 Mandaluyong City, Phillipines 10,00 $
01.12.2010 Ratingen, Germany, 10,00 $
29.12.2010 Southampton, Great Britian, 20,00 $

06.01.2011 Bergamo, Italy, 10,00 $
02.02.2011 Geilston Bay Tasmania, Australia, 20,00 $
04.02.2011 Denver, USA, 20,00 $
17.02. 2011 Munich, Germany, 4,00 $
22.02. 2011 Colorado Springs, USA, 25,00 $

This list will be forever carved in wood in this place here!
Many thanks for your support!! I hope everyone is ok with this decision?

Something completly different now:
There have been the inaugural WAMP Awards of the year 2010.
Really intresting and really , i allow myself to quote Mr. Johnson aka Darklord here:

"It gives me great pleasure to announce the results of the inaugural Wamp Awards. We started with initial nominations for several categories and from those nominations we came to a final short-list of 10 for each category. Each shortlist was then opened up for voting and after weeks of voting we now have our winners."

Check out the link above to see all the other cool winners and big time congratulations to all the winners. If you are intrested you can also download actual Wamp's Portal Issue in PDF to see an exclusive overview on the winners! Wamp rules!

I want to say congratz to my monkeybrother Ben for being voted 2nd place in best painted miniature in 2010 with his "Terror of Fortriu", monkeybrother Raffa won 1st place in best Base of 2010 with his "Hunter or Hunted". I also did recieve a bronze in best Base of 2010 with my "Butterfly" and feel very honoured about it. As we got a video of that here it is again - if you want to watch it in good quality follow the youtube link and switch to HD quality:

Darklord of Wamp sent me a medal i am free to use - many thanks and again many congratz to all who have been nominated and hours of thundering monkey applause to those who have won. Here is my medal - many thanks! Yippie!

Something else inspirational:
Adam showed me this cool site via email, many thanks for that - the Ruins of Detroit,
where you can find great photos of ruins and old theaters in Detroit. Many thanks, Adam!

Another great blog was shown to me from Luovahulluus via comment - a collection of great inspirational art collected by 3 Germans, that is why the text is all in german, but i think the pictures speak for itself: http://www.ignant.de

Not again more music - but there is no way to resisit music here you go with some crazy italian hip hop mix kinda i don't know what it is or what he is saying but i love the vibe and the athmosphere of this one:

Sometimes i don't know some Kong Fu. This time is one of those times, or? Ahhhh my fingers hit the keyboard without my brain allowing it... aaaaahhhhh....  Time is always running and sometimes you are running with it, but believe me it is great to stop running for a while and just stand and watch and listen and smell and feel. Don't fear there is still enough time left to run wildly.

Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards


  1. Hi guys,
    I just had to pop over and say hello and big congratulations to you all!

    The work here at MV has been inspirational to me and i'm totally shocked and honoured to have placed amoung you guys. :)

    It's still not quite sunk in yet, and I really don't know where i'm gonna put my medal yet either. Maybe on the fridge door? heheh:P

    Peace guys, and see yer around yah,


  2. ooh, add this to the list :D
    Nov 2010, NSW, Australia, AUD$60

  3. @Orky
    Congratz to you too - your base and those colours there are marvellous - well deserved being voted to this place! Many thanks about your nice words of about the jungle :)

    Huhu! Please write an email to my contact if you are seriously one of those i have not mentioned. I can remember some donations in the time before July 2010 but could not get them listed via Paypal archive. Sorry folks, just mail me and your location will be carved in the big banana tree!

  4. Yes very big thx for you Fireant. Great job. Can you translate more? Meaby Working with glazes tutorial? Please...

    Wielkie dzięki Fireant. Wspałania robota. Możesz przetłumaczyć więcej? Może praca z laserunkiem? Proszę...
