13 January 2011

some finished stuff

posted by Oli, honourguard, silver leaf

After I had a great stay at Raffas' house. With a big painting session, I have finished some miniatures and bases. Hope you like them.

I just watched the rating on CMON and saw that two have them have a rating from 6.4. This really make me a bit angry.. sitting around 1 hour for photos and get that voting ah.. I know I shouldn't give that much on the rating.. Sure the female warrior isn't a 8-9 but a 6.. ?

Overall.. I am happy with the results and especially happy with the bases, they didn't need that much time, but I like them. Also if I am the only one who thinks this ..^^

reworked Han Solo, I painted the base black for getting a better focus on the mini and base. And removed the wire, which looked like the end of a fixing pin.

I know it must be crazy to kill a butterfly.. but who knows what a goblin thinks :P

good night and feel free to comment and critic is also welcome


  1. They're painted extremely well - Solo looks incredible! I think what might be holding your rating back for the female warrior is the model itself is rather plain.. even painted well, there's so much you can do with it.

  2. i think they all look very good. the 6 rating is nothing to worry over. there are people out there who are new to the hobby, and they dont really know what they are looking at. i especially like the base on the goblin! wonderful paintjob on all 3 minis, no doubt! :D

  3. I like your minis and I don't think you should be worry about CMON rating. Many people with many ideas, not always sure what they are talking about (my 'favourite' comment was - Great painting, but the head is too big to scale... And low rating followed)... Paint for joy, not for rating.

  4. There is a lot of teenagers on CMON, who cannot paint themselves, but like to criticize other work and give low scores. So dont worry and keep on good work. Han Solo is really great and the goblin makes me smile :)

  5. Another note on CMoN - sometimes when I first post a model to CMoN, I'm extremely OCD, and keep checking for new votes every few minutes. By looking at the average and the number of votes, when the number of votes is small, you can often tell exactly what the sequence of votes was, and a not uncommon thing to see when you do this is a sequence like the following:
    8, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10, 8, 1, 8, 9, etc.
    When you see this, it's pretty clear someone is not giving their honest opinion, but just being a jerk.

  6. Thank you for your words. This was a very good motivaton for me :)

  7. Hi Honourguard,
    go straight your way and do not wasting any time with thinking about the "WHY" in CMoN. The Premiership know your and your jungle members specialized skills.

    Best regards
