15 January 2011

Massive Voodoo Information

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

It might be a little bit silent around me the next upcoming weeks as my girlfriend and I are moving. We are becoming neighbours with Raffa - today we had the official meeting to prepare everything - and now i am going to party because i am looking forward to it so much and fear the massive work ahead which such a short timed appartment moving will hold. On the double!! Partytime!!


  1. Hello Roman and "Girlfriend",

    do you think it is a good idea to move near Raffa??? Oh,Oh,Oh... I see a lot of sleepless nights!!! ; Painting, Party, Painting, again Party....
    Never say that nobody gave you a warning! I wish you a lot of power for the heavy parts and a lot of helping hands (incl. Raffa).
    Best regards


  2. Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah!!! Perfectly, right before HvB comin up in April :D

    You're gone get some nice moving-in present from me then...

  3. Good luck there! Moving is always a serious change, and moving nearer to Raffa can only make it even better.

    take care!

  4. Maxican: Keep your pants up bro ! ;)

    Romi and Anna:

    Congrats and I have to admit I am a bit jealous, I would so love to live there with you guys. Anyway, party hard tonight and don't be afraid of the work in your new flat.

  5. Lutz aka OraldesignerJanuary 15, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    Cooooll, good idea Roman ;-)), wished you guys we´re living near or even IN Hamburg ;-) that would be tremendous...for someone like me HAHA...

  6. I think your neighborhood will face many sleepless nights!
    Beware of them when they will come with fire and pitchforks!!!!

    Good luck with the moving out

  7. Yeah, great that it worked out so well. I only hope that you dont get trouble with your girlfriend when you spend to much time with Raffa *g*

    And keep your head up the move will be over quick!
