22 November 2010

Tutorial - how to make real lenses

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa and a wonderful start into another week of Jungle Madness...
This little article is very easy to get and understand i hope - it is about making real lenses (i hope this word is right) on weapons, masks or helmets or whatever else you might find it useful for.

What you need:

- the backside of a sticker
- some patience
- a toothpick
- your miniature
- Micro Krystal Klear, by Microscale Industries, it looks like this. It is some kind of one component water effect and dries out clear, but is not good for the use of big water areas. Maybe there are other companies out there who do similiar stuff, but i am not sure which one - just check out if it works with the stuff you can find:

Next pull off your sticker from its place and use the non-glueing area for our next steps. As i seem to be weird sometimes i did it wrong in this article, but nevermind, always keep in mind you are working with the non-glueing side of the sticker. Use your toothpick's tip to get hold of some of the Krystal Klear and bring some tiny amount of it on the prepared area - you can now do different seized tiny bulbs there:

Now wait a day and you get tiny lenses in different seizes which you can bring in place with some matte varnish, i would not recommand using superglue here as it can make it look dirty or whatever superglue sometimes does when placed. Matte Varnish will work fine here. You can prepare your underground with some colours before, it will still shows as it the bulbs are clear. You can also work on them with some gloss varnish to intense the effect. On your models it will look pretty cool in the end as it has volume and looks somehow real... just give it a try!

I hope you like this idea out of the jungle heart...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards


  1. Wow Jar, thats a really cool lens effect! iv seen it on other minis before and always wondered how, so thanks! just wondering if u cut the original lens flat to fit the new lens on top?

  2. Great idea! I'll have to try this sometime.

  3. These lenses look so cool! I need to use this one day. Thanks for the idea :)

  4. Wow, a really useful idea there for Lenses and Goggles!



  5. Great idea! I´ll try it this evening. I don´t have the stuff from Microscale, but I´ll use my own 1 component Watereffect, I think it´ll do it, too. Like Ańa said: Thanks for the idea!

  6. Awesome! Will try this for sure on my models

  7. Wow another cool idea form the jungle

    Thanks...but one question: Can you used PVC glue instead?

  8. Nice idea :D, thank you Roman!

  9. Linsensuppe!
    I was wondering what happened to lentilles :D
    Or was it Lintilla, who accidentially got cloned five hundred seventy-eight thousand million times due to an accident at a Brantisvogan escort agency?

  10. Wow, simply and effective!!!

    And even better than bringing lentil soup on your miniatures... :D

    Your Sgt

  11. Damnation... where do I find lentil soup in Tokyo... and what is lentil soup in Japanese...
    questions, questions...
