24 November 2010

Cynwall elve and Han Solo

posted by Oli, HonourGuard, silver leaf

Cynwall elve and Han Solo

After I had a really great stay at Augsburg, I got much motivation for continue painting and finish anything.  At first I want to show you an actual WIP of me:


I continued painting my Han Solo (on Sunday at the painters meeting) a really good, realistic sculpt (also if the cast wasn't the best). I have always been a fan of Star Wars, so it was just a matter of time, to buy the first Mini of Knight Models and I think it won't be the last :)

Tried to gave him a realistic/wasted colour sheme. I have to make a little Tatooine Base in the next days... okey, I am drifting away.. 

Good night :)


  1. wow.. just wow... incredible work. I see the dragon head and it looks amazing.

    Also want to say that Solo's black leather jacket looks great.

  2. Damned great work...This shield is indescribable.

    And Han Solo, it's just great. I really like this realistic sculpt. I just can't wait for more miniatures from Star Wars.


  3. Hi Honourguard,
    Da, da-----da,da,da----da,da...this is the Music of Star Wars and you painted my favorit hero, Han Solo. When do you will paint Chewbacca??? According painting of very small miniatures, you should paint Yoda, the green, jumping guy with the ears of Mr. Spock! Ha,ha. Fantastic painting



    Face and shields of cynwall elve are amazing!
