17 November 2010

Some WiP and Tutorial Video announcement

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,......

Heeey dear jungle readers!

Yesterday was a pretty lazy day, i played computer games all the night until 3 am... but theeeen i had the idea to make a small instructional video on some weathering techniques... ;)
Here are some screencaps:

Today after work i will try to record an english version... then you will have the pain of a swabian monkey english in your brain!

But, enough of this, here are some work in progress photos... at the moment i make slow progresses...

I received my 2nd 3D print yesterday.... i'm actually using this one, i already carved out the details and i will fix the skin and add some detail the printer couldn't do...
If there is enough interest i will make some copies of this bust. It's a pretty big one as you can see in comparison the the vallejo bottle.

Here is my Nurgle guy, he is still in a very very early stage.....

Oh and that's it, the demon princes' head will be fixed today and maybe i'll give him a quick coat with the airbrush..... oh dear, so much stuff to do today...


Oh and here's a photo of my workbench in the morning, i like the light on the picture:


  1. moin..

    ..give us more,more,more

    greetz from hamburg

  2. Damn intresting post... can't wait to see it all rockin on...

  3. Nice teaser post... now show us the video! :)

  4. Out of curiosity, who do you order your 3D prints from?

  5. I ordered it from Shapeways, the quality of the print isn't very good, the version on the photo was already sanded and treated around an hour or two.....

  6. Hmm, alright. I've been wanting to try ordering a 3D print.. I was looking at Moddler who seem to do some nice work.

  7. I have made an order on Moddler which should arrive these days.
    But i can tell you 100% that almost NO 3D Printer can achieve a result even close to traditional sculpting.

    I really looked around a lot, best bet would be lasering in wax... but it's very very costly.

    Making a model in 3d and printing it in good quality normally equals 2x the money you will spend for a good sculpter ;)


  8. Raffa youve got definitly tooooo much time!
