08 November 2010

Some finished Minis!

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....

today was a chilly night, played a lot of computer game banana stuff with the other two monkeys Roman and Robert :)

But anyway i managed to finish my Dark Eldar Jetbike i bought yesterday.
It was a real joy to paint and the new Kits are really awesome!

Hmmm what else, i finished a looooong time wip thingy that was standing in my work in progress cabinet....
It's a gretchin that captured an imperial Sentinel, now you can imagine that he's THE NEW BOSS!

I also finished a little Gift for Tre... i used some weird colors, but i somehow like it ;)

Also i took some new pictures of "The benighted Temple"

I took some photos for Roman too, so you will see more minis tommorow :)

Oh and here's a wip of my Saxon Warrior:

The iced water gets hard right now on his base, i think in 1-2 days you'll see a picture with the base :)
He's still not finished... i want to make him pretty good, so i still have to invest some time...

Hope you have a good night ooooor a good morning when you're reading this!



  1. That level of output is very romanesque of you!
    Awesome stuff, I really love the new eldar bikes, have not seen them before.

    Of course great paintjob, but I guess you already figured that by yourself Mr. Slayersword... :D

  2. Could you give a quick rundown of how you did the jetbike? That is exactly the style in which I want to do mine but with a slightly more purple hue to the red. I love how textured and atmospheric it looks. Amazing work.


  3. Nice work Raffa. Especially the Jetbike looks great even that i usully don`t like sience fiction stuff... but what interests me is, how you did paint the scratchings in the front? Is it that weathering effect with salt, wich you have discribed on max paint long time ago?

    hold the line,

  4. Hey,

    the weathering was made with a blister sponge and then detailed with the brush (bring in some structure and logic).
    I added black shadows to the scratches and some highlights underneath.
    The scratch color is chaos black+scorched brown+uniform grey (andrea color).
    In the end i used some burned umber oil color to add some "rust lines".

    The other colors are pretty obvious:
    Blood Red
    Chaos Black
    Dwarf Flesh
    Skull White+Dwarf Flesh
    And GameColor Sepia Ink in the shadows

    Bleached Bone
    GameColor Sepia Ink
    A little Chaos Black + Sepia Ink for the deepest shadows
    Skull White for highlights

    Tins Bitz
    GameColor Gold
    AirColor Silver


  5. Your "The benighted Temple" is inspiring! How did you do the cape (painting and sculpting)?

    Thanks for sharing your work!

  6. Hey,
    the cape was already like this, i didn't sculpt anything :)

    This is one of the Space Hulk terminators.


  7. Damn Cool Stuff!! I especially like the weathered jetbike.

  8. really love the jetbike, especially since i saw you painting it in the Games Workshop - it's really fascinating just how fast you create these beautiful miniatures

    cheers, alex(hoping to see you paint some more fantastic stuff in the store^^)
