15 November 2010

Midnight wips

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,...

Hey Jungle Lovers!

time to go to bed, but before i'll show you some hints of my current projects...
My Demonprince got a new head.. i just didn't like the GW ones...
i also updated some little spots and put on another layer of "where is everything" with my airbrush....

Here is a basecoated version of... the first.... nurgle marine conversion.
It's mainly made from forge world parts but with a personal note :)

Today i thought it would be a good day to start my next big project... so i started with a rough "sketch" of the citadel entry..... i get sick when i think about the work i have left with this project.......... arghhhhhhhhhh
oh and the terminator in the doorway is just a temporary placeholder.....

I hope you get some inspiration for your next projects :)



  1. Seems like you can't keep your mind happy with just small projects...

    Looking forward to see the end of this project.



  2. can`t wait to follow this!

  3. Somehow the demon prince looks like he has no neck, but i guess this is from the photo...

    Intresting how different we both see this idea of the temple we have talked about... i thought about a temple when i was telling you about an old temple... this looks cool though, but looks more like an imperial Games Workshop Warhammer 40K City :) - rock on...

  4. Lutz aka OraldesignerNovember 15, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    Muharhar...I see lots of Marines battling on the steps...blood´n´guts flying everywhere, chopped off limbs and heads rolling down the steps..MUHARHAR....uff got to calm down *whistle*
    cant wait to see the rest of it ;-))

  5. @Roman: as i said, this is just some kind of "sketch"... i have to get some materials first and this was everything i got at home.
    The final version will be more like a typical kathedral....

    I'm maybe rebuilding the "Ulmer Münster" entrance with imperial eagles and reliefs and all that kind of stuff :)

    With biiiig church windows and colored glass.... etc.

  6. Das ist alles so unglublich inspirierend. Geniale Arbeit, echt!!!
