20 November 2010

Midnight WIPs again...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend out there! We have a Painter's meeting on Sunday and tomorrow we make a day of canvas painting experience ... so i won't be around that much in the jungle the next upcoming days as we have a guest until wednesday in Augsburg, Georg Damm also known as Georc will have a stay in our Happy Painting lair... i guess we have a lot to tell after the next days... enjoy yours with at least one hour of Happy Painting... i did tonight. Spent some more time at the Death Corp again and put some minutes into the first highlights on the Schell bust - and remember there will be an article, step by step following after this bust is done... bad photo, got to make new ones for the article, i hate taking photos, but i think even more when it is night, haha... the bucket got a hole in it :)

Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards


  1. Great work! Brilliant colors :)

  2. Heavy Colors;->
    as i see the not colored Bust is think it was an Talosian:

  3. A new milestone in your painting career! Go and get it!!!

  4. the tones are amazing :D


  5. Nice head! It looks just briliant.

  6. Your painting skills are getting somewhat intimidating. Brilliant, more can't be said. :)
    Tough I, for my part, really don't like the bust itself. Incerdible detail, but I just don't like those standard X-Files aliens.
    Nevertheless, great painting......some parts remember me of old canvas paintings, if you know what I mean.

  7. Holy Mother of Macaroni, this is absolutely beautiful! I really like the colour scheme and the overall feeling of this "grotesque humanoid" thing. I'm eagerly waiting to see the step-by-step!

  8. Can you post a tutorial on how to do skin-tones like that? I've always wondered how painters do non-tan/brown skintones...
